I have successfully used the plot_model
function of sjplot
to plot a multinomial logistic regression model. The regression contains an outcome (Veto Type, with 3 levels) and 2 continuous predictors (Coalition Size and coalition Coalescence). I have also changed the values of coalition Coalescence in the plot_model
so as to plot predicted effect outcomes based on the coalition Coalescence mean value and SDs
plot_model(model9, type = "pred", terms = c("CoalitionPercentageAmorim", "CoalescenceAmorim [0,1]"), mdrt.values = "meansd", ci.lvl=0.00, title = "Figure: Predicted Probability of Partial Vetoes of PLs", axis.title = c("Coalition Size", "Predicted Probability"), legend.title = "COALITION COALESCENCE")
However, I want the graph to only display one Veto Type level at a time. I have tried using rm.terms
, and subsetting in multiple ways but so far I have not been successful. I would appreciate any help or advice regarding how to display only one level at a time.
I tried using gtable
as suggested here but this produced a 1/3 graph rather than one that cover the whole graph. I would still prefer a full graph for each of the levels.
Instead of trying to fiddle around with the plot object via the gtable
one option would be to extract the model data using get_model_data
and build your desired plot from scratch using ggplot2
Using some fake random example data.
# Example Data
dat <- expand.grid(
VetoType = c("Total Veto", "No Veto", "Partial Veto"),
"CoalescenceAmorim" = c(0, 1)
dat <- replicate(10, dat, simplify = FALSE)
dat <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, dat)
dat$CoalitionPercentageAmorim[dat$CoalescenceAmorim == 0] <-
rnorm(3 * 10, 60, 20)
dat$CoalitionPercentageAmorim[dat$CoalescenceAmorim == 1] <-
rnorm(3 * 10, 40, 10)
model9 <- multinom(
VetoType ~ CoalescenceAmorim + CoalitionPercentageAmorim,
data = dat
#> # weights: 12 (6 variable)
#> initial value 65.916737
#> iter 10 value 65.390983
#> final value 65.390969
#> converged
type = "pred",
terms = c("CoalitionPercentageAmorim", "CoalescenceAmorim [0,1]"),
mdrt.values = "meansd",
ci.lvl = 0.00,
title = "Figure: Predicted Probability of Partial Vetoes of PLs",
axis.title = c("Coalition Size", "Predicted Probability"),
#> Data were 'prettified'. Consider using `terms="CoalitionPercentageAmorim
#> [all]"` to get smooth plots.
model_data <- get_model_data(model9,
type = "pred",
terms = c("CoalitionPercentageAmorim", "CoalescenceAmorim [0,1]"),
mdrt.values = "meansd",
ci.lvl = 0.00
#> Data were 'prettified'. Consider using `terms="CoalitionPercentageAmorim
#> [all]"` to get smooth plots.
model_data |>
subset(response.level == "Total Veto") |>
ggplot(aes(x , predicted, color = factor(group))) +
geom_line() +
scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 6) +
labels = scales::percent,
limits = c(0, NA)
) +