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How do you use Chrome Extensions to change CSS of a web site during month of decemeber?

I would like to change the css styles of a website but only during the month of decemeber how can I do this?

This is the css that I would like to include during the month of decemeber only. How can I do this in content.js or in manifest.json

.Tile-module_tile__UWEHN[data-state=absent] {
    background-color: #b20000  !important;

.Key-module_key__kchQI[data-state=absent] {
    background-color: #b20000  !important;

.Key-module_key__kchQI[data-state=present] {
    background-color: #f1c232  !important;

.Tile-module_tile__UWEHN[data-state=present] {
    background-color: #f1c232  !important;

.Key-module_key__kchQI[data-state=correct] {
    background-color: #008000  !important;

.Tile-module_tile__UWEHN[data-state=correct] {
    background-color: #008000  !important;


  • To check that the current month is December (months are zero based)... quick test:

    if(new Date().getMonth()==11){ alert('It must be december'); } else { alert('some other month'); }

    To add CSS to a document...

    var S=document.createElement('style');
    S.innerText=''; // <-- Place all your Xmas CSS in this string
    document.head.appendChild(S); // <-- If this doesn't work for you use the next line instead
    // document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(S);

    Putting it all together...

    if(new Date().getMonth()==11){ // If December proceed...
     var S=document.createElement('style');
     S.innerText=''; // <-- Place all your Xmas CSS from above in this string

    NB: Use...


    if it's not your website and using a script.