I'm new to vue and I'm trying to use an array from one component to another but I cannot find how to do it.
In component 1 I have this data that I want to transfer and use in component 2.
const array = [];
In app.vue I have these 2 components next to eachother.
<Component 1/>
<Component 2 />
Now how do I get this array from component 1 to component 2?
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned in the question's comments you should move your array outside Component1
and share it between the both components.
But if you strongly want/need/have to keep your array inside Component1
you can share the array through a scoped slot that put in the end of Component1
<script setup>
import Component1 from './Component1.vue';
import Component2 from './Component2.vue';
<template #="{array}">
<Component2 :array="array" />
<script setup>
import {ref, shallowReactive} from 'vue';
const array = shallowReactive(['item1', 'item2']);
const itemId = ref(array.length);
<div>I'm Component1</div>
<button @click="array.push(`item${++itemId}`)">Add item to list</button>
<slot v-bind="{array}"/>
<script setup>
array:{type:Array, default: []}
<div>I'm Component2</div>
<li v-for="item in array">{{item}}</li>