Groovy's SQL provides an eachRow() method but it seems to generate an uncatchable error if the SQL statement being executed doesn't produce a ResultSet, e.g. an INSERT statement. Of course Groovy SQL also provides an execute() method for SQL statements that don't produce a ResultSet. My challenge is that if the SQL statements are provided by users then I'm wondering how to know which method to use? I was hoping that eachRow() would throw an exception that could be caught/swallowed if there was no ResultSet but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Here's a snippet showing what I tried. In the example, it reads SQL statements from stdin, and attempts to process them using eachRow(). {
dbsql = it
try {
println "processing sql"
dbconn.eachRow(dbsql) {
println "processed result ($n rows)"
} catch(SQLException ex) {
rslt = 2
println ">>> query failed against ${dbhost}/${dbname}:")
println " ${ex}"
} catch(Exception ex) {
rslt = 255
println ">>> general failure"
println " ${ex}"
Instead of either catch block executing, I get error messages that look like,
Dec 01, 2023 12:45:13 AM groovy.sql.Sql eachRow
WARNING: Failed to execute: insert into mytable (name) values ('John Doe'); because: This SQL statement does not return a single ResultSet
>>> query failed against dbhost/wrk:
java.sql.SQLException: This SQL statement does not return a single ResultSet
Hoping someone can help with Groovy SQL usage where the SQL statements are not known ahead of time as in this case where they are coming from a file.
Note: everything works smoothly for SELECT statements (since they return ResultSets).
for single resultset or rowcount the groovy code could be like this:
@Grab(group='', module='mssql-jdbc', version='12.4.2.jre8')
import groovy.sql.Sql
def connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://...:1433;databaseName=...;user=...;password=...";
def rsWorker = {hasResult, rs->
println "resultset:"
rs.each{ println " row: ${it}" }
println "update count: ${rs}"
dbconn.execute("select getdate() as today, 'hello' as world", rsWorker)
dbconn.execute("create table #tmp(i int)", rsWorker)
dbconn.execute("select getdate() as today, 'goodby' as world", rsWorker)
dbconn.execute("update deleteme set iAnnualSum=0", rsWorker)
output example:
row: [today:2023-12-01 15:14:54.303, world:hello]
update count: 0
row: [today:2023-12-01 15:14:54.363, world:goodby]
update count: 28
databases like microsoft sql server supporting multiple resultsets and i don't see how to process them in groovy.
however here is a good java example that could be easily ported to groovy: