Here's my code:
init<T: RandomAccessCollection>(
items: T,
build: @escaping (T.Element) -> any View
) where T.Element : Hashable {
self.items = AnyRandomAccessCollection({ AnyHashable($0) }))
self.itemBuild = // erase T.Element to AnyHashable to obtain a closure of type (AnyHashable) -> any View
private let itemBuild: (AnyHashable) -> any View
I want to assign the build closure in the init to the itemBuild parameter, for that I need to somehow type erase T.Element which is Hashable into AnyHashable.
New to type erasing. Haven't really tried much that's worth mentioning.
I've figured it out. Here's how I did if anyone ever wonders the same thing:
init<T: RandomAccessCollection>(
items: T,
build: @escaping (T.Element) -> any View
) where T.Element : Hashable {
self.items = AnyRandomAccessCollection({ AnyHashable($0) }))
let erasedType: (any Hashable) -> any View = { item in
build(item as! T.Element)
self.itemBuild = erasedType