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I got different outputs on run and debug in C

My code will take the info from input.txt that students informations. hold them in a linked list and then sort them by birth year then print. when ı run, it print meanless numbers and every time ı run, the output changes. but when ı debug code, the output will be correct.

When ı run my code the output: Student names in ascending order by birthday: -2013265920000 M-2013265920-2013265920-2013265920-2013265920 Ali Pehlivan;2005 -2013265920-2013265920-20132659200

But I debug my code and output: Student names in ascending order by birthday: Ali Pehlivan;2005 Selami Kilic;2002 Esma Sultan;2001 Mehmet Ali Sarsil;2000

my input file 'input.txt' as: 040160811;Ali Pehlivan;2005 040180224;Mehmet Ali Sarsil;2000 820190040;Esma Sultan;2001 150190207;Selami Kilic;2002

it seems about my 'sortAndPrintByBirth' function. But ı cannot find any mistake. I think its a memory stuff.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct n {
    char number[9];
    char name;
    int year;
    struct n* next;
typedef struct n node;

struct s_node {
    char* number;
    struct s_node *next;
}*stack = NULL;

int isLetter(char character);
int isNumber(char character);
int charToInt(char character);
node** sortAndPrintByBirth(node* *list);
node** sortAndPrintByFaculty(node* *list);
int length(node** list);
void push(char* value);
char* pop();
void display();

        int main() {

    node* Student;
    Student = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
    node* head1;
    node* head;
    head = Student;
    head1 = head;
    node* Students[100];

    FILE* file;
    file = fopen("C:\\Users\\PC\\CLionProjects\\untitled1\\input.txt", "r");
    char fchar;
    fchar = fgetc(file);
    int switchNY = 0; // 0 for school number, 1 for birth year
    int studentCounter = 0;
    while(fchar != EOF){               /// Dosyadan veri alma
            head1->name = fchar;
            head1->year = (int) NULL;
            head1->next = malloc(sizeof(node*));
            head1 = head1->next;
            fchar = fgetc(file);
        }else if(isNumber(fchar)){
            if(switchNY == 0){
                for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
                    head1->number[i] = fchar;
                    head1->year =(int) NULL;
                    head1->number[i+1] = (char) NULL;
                    fchar = fgetc(file);

            }else {
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    head1->year = charToInt(fchar);
                    head1->next = malloc(sizeof(node *));
                    head1 = head1->next;
                    fchar = fgetc(file);
                if (fchar == EOF) {
                    Students[studentCounter] = head;         ///en son yapmaya çalıştığın şey her \n karakterinde
                    Students[studentCounter + 1] = NULL;     ///yeni student tanımlayıp onun adresini arrayde tutmak
                    fchar = fgetc(file);
                    Student = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
                    head = Student;
                    head1 = head;
                switchNY = 0;

        }else if(fchar == '\n'){                         /// kod ; lerde buraya giriyo, onu düzelt
            Students[studentCounter] = head;             ///en son yapmaya çalıştığın şey her \n karakterinde
            Students[studentCounter+1] = NULL;           ///yeni student tanımlayıp onun adresini arrayde tutmak
            fchar = fgetc(file);
            Student = (node *)  malloc(sizeof(node));
            head = Student;
            head1 = head;
        }else if(fchar == ';'){
            head1->year = (int) NULL;
            if(switchNY == 1){
                head1->name = fchar;
            switchNY = 1;
            fchar = fgetc(file);
            head1->next = malloc(sizeof(node*));
            head1 = head1->next;


    return -1;

int isLetter(char character) {
    return ((character >= 'a' && character <= 'z') || (character >= 'A' && character <= 'Z') || (character == ' '));
int isNumber(char character) {
    return (character >= '0' && character <= '9');
int charToInt(char character) {
    if (character >= '0' && character <= '9') {
        return character - '0';
    } else {
        return -1; // Eğer karakter bir sayı değilse -1 döndür

node** sortAndPrintByBirth(node* *list) {
    int i = length(list);
    node* result[i];

    for(int a=0; a<i; a++){
        result[a] = list[a]->number;

    for(int count = 0; count < i-1; count++){
        for(int step = 0; step < i-1 ; step++){
            node *iter1;
            node *iter2;
            iter1 = result[step];
            iter2 = result[step+1];
            int year1 = 0,year2 = 0;
            while (iter2 != NULL){
                while ((void *) iter1->next->year == NULL) { ///void* eklendi, derleyicinin isteği
                    iter1 = iter1->next;
                while ((void *) iter2->next->year == NULL) { ///void* eklendi, derleyicinin isteği
                    iter2 = iter2->next;
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                    iter1 = iter1->next;
                    year1 = 10 * year1 + iter1->year;

                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                    iter2 = iter2->next;
                    year2 = 10 * year2 + iter2->year;
            if(year1 < year2){
                node* temp;
                temp = result[step];
                result[step] = result[step+1];
                result[step+1] = temp;
            }else if(year2 == year1){
    node* iter3;
    printf("Student names in ascending order by birthday:\n");
    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
        iter3 = result[j]->next;
        while(iter3->year == (int )NULL){
            iter3 = iter3->next;
        for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
            iter3 = iter3->next;
    return result;

node** sortAndPrintByFaculty(node* *list){
    int i = length(list);
    node* result[i];
    char* temp[i];

    for(int a=0; a<i; a++){
        temp[a] = list[a]->number;

    /// temp  = "040160811","040180224","820190040","150190207"

    for(int count = 0; count < i-1; count++){
        for(int step = 0; step < i-1 ; step++){
            for(int digit = 0; digit < 3 ; digit ++){
                if(charToInt(temp[step][digit]) < charToInt(temp[step+1][digit])){
                    char* c;
                    c = temp[step];
                    temp[step] = temp[step+1];
                    temp[step+1] = c;
                }else if(charToInt(temp[step][digit]) == charToInt(temp[step+1][digit])){

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
        push(temp[j]);              ///Değerler büyükten küçüğe stack'e push'landı.
    printf("School numbers by the faculty codes in ascending order:\n");
    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
        printf("%s\n", pop());

    return result;

int length(node** list){
    int value = 0;
    while(list[value] != NULL){
    return value;

void push(char* value)  {
    struct s_node *m;
    m=(struct s_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct s_node ));
    m->number= value ;
void display()  {
    struct s_node *temp=stack;
    while(temp!=NULL)   {
        printf("%s\t", temp->number);

char* pop()  {
    struct s_node *temp ;
    if (stack == NULL) {
        printf("\nSTACK is Empty.");
    } else {
        char* i = stack->number;

        temp = stack;
        stack = stack->next;
        free(temp);  // sadece temp'i serbest bırak, number için ayrı bir free yapmaya gerek yok
        return i;

    return NULL;


  • At least these problems:

    Insufficient allocation

    Member .next is a pointer to type struct n AKA node. Allocation should be on the size of the referenced data, not the size of the pointer.

    // head1->next = malloc(sizeof(node*));
    head1->next = malloc(sizeof head1->next[0]);

    Save time, compiler with all warnings enabled

    @Some programmer dude