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Is it possible to autowire a list of components in Spring?

I am using Spring Boot (2.7.16).

I have a number of components (each one annotated as a @Component) that implement, say, a Task interface.

In my service, I want to auto wire a list of tasks, ideally in a specific sequence

// Ideally, sequence like
@Qualifier("firstTask"), @Qualifier("secondTask"), @Qualifier("thirdTask")
private List<Task> tasks;

So that I can then run them all at some point. For example, something like;

tasks.foreach(task -> {;

I am currently auto wiring them individually and instantiating the list explicitly.

private Task firstTask;

private Task secondTask;

private Task thirdTask;

private List<Task> tasks = List.of(firstTask, secondTask, thirdTask);

But being able to auto wire the list directly would be fantastic.


  • (I wrote the original question)

    You can @Autowired a list of components

    private List<Task> tasks;

    will work.

    However, if you want to define the sequence, you cannot do so in the service. You need to apply the @Order annotation on each component (this seems to me to be the wrong way round, but that's how it is done).


    public class FirstTask implements Task {
      // ...


    public class SecondTask implements Task {
      // ...

    , and

    public class ThirdTask implements Task {
      // ...