I'm trying to write a simple type wrapper to represent the interface of decorator functions:
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar, Generic
TIn = TypeVar('TIn', contravariant=True)
TOut = TypeVar('TOut', covariant=True)
class Decorator(Protocol, Generic[TIn, TOut]):
Represents a decorated value, used to simplify type definitions
def __call__(self, value: TIn) -> TOut:
This would be used to type a decorator function as follows:
IntFunction = Callable[[int, int], int]
def register_operator(op: str) -> Decorator[IntFunction, IntFunction]:
def inner(value: IntFunction) -> IntFunction:
# register the function or whatever
return value
return inner
def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b
In the above example, Mypy is able to validate the type signature of add
to ensure it matches the specification of register_operator
This is useful for decorators that transform the type (eg converting it from an IntFunction
to a StrFunction
), but in almost all cases, TIn
is identical to TOut
, and so I want to simplify the usage of my definition.
Essentially, I want to make it so that if TOut
isn't given, it will be assumed to be the same as TIn
, which would allow the above decorator function to be simplified to
def register_operator(op: str) -> Decorator[IntFunction]:
# Simplification here ^
def inner(value: IntFunction) -> IntFunction:
# register the function or whatever
return value
return inner
The ideal syntax I would use in my protocol definition would be something like this:
class Decorator(Protocol, Generic[TIn, TOut = TIn]):
Represents a decorated value, used to simplify type definitions
def __call__(self, value: TIn) -> TOut:
Note that this does not work.
How can I achieve this functionality, whilst continuing to have the assurance that Mypy provides? I am happy to make the definition of Decorator
as complex as needed, but I want to keep its simple usage.
So as far I know python doesn't support default values in generics, a generic that isn't fully defined becomes unknown. Perhaps it should support it, there's a draft pep for this feature (see update below).
For now, I would create two classes that expose different interfaces. This is almost as good, it just means you need a second class:
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar, Generic, overload
TIn = TypeVar('TIn', contravariant=True)
TOut = TypeVar('TOut', covariant=True)
TSym = TypeVar('TSym')
class Decorator(Protocol, Generic[TIn, TOut]):
Represents a decorated value, used to simplify type definitions
def __call__(self, value: TIn) -> TOut:
class SymmetricDecorator(Decorator[TSym,TSym], Generic[TSym], Protocol):
By "Symmetric" I just mean the callable receives and returns the same type - there might be a better name. Hope this is useful!
UPDATE: I've since found there exists an active pep for default values for TypeVar: https://peps.python.org/pep-0696/