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React Radix UI ScrollArea Full Height

Im using Radix UI for my Web app and I wanted to make a scrollarea that fills the remaining space of the screen and allows scrolling. I tried setting the height of the scrollarea to 100% and such but then the table just overflows. How to make scroll area have a defined height not in pixels but by percentage?

import * as ScrollAreaPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-scroll-area';
import { Table } from "@radix-ui/themes"

const TableScrollArea = () => {
    // Create an empty array to store the objects
    const dataArray = [];

    // Define the data to be filled in the objects
    const data = {
        name: 'AAA',
        email: 'AAA',
        title: 'AAA',

    // Fill the array with 1000 entries, each containing the data
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        dataArray.push({ });

    return (
        <div className='h-full'>
                <ScrollAreaPrimitive.Viewport className={`h-full`}>

                                <Table.ColumnHeaderCell>Full name</Table.ColumnHeaderCell>

                            { => (

                    <ScrollAreaPrimitive.Thumb />


    export default TableScrollArea


  • I had a similar issue; unfortunately, I couldn't make it work with 'h-full', 'h-screen', or anything similar.

    Finally, to solve the problem, I used a useRef to track the space occupied in pixels by components and utilized calc to generate an absolute value.


    const heightSidebarProfile = useRef<null | number>(document.getElementById(idProfile)?.offsetHeight ?? null);
    <div className={`h-[calc(100%-${heightSidebarProfile.current}px)]`}>

    Of course, additional validations may be necessary to ensure its effectiveness.

    I also acknowledge that this may not be the optimal way to resolve the issue, but it addressed the situation for me.