I received an email from Microsoft that mentioned I should ensure that any interactions with Azure services are using TLS 1.2 by 31 October 2024. (older versions of TLS will end by this date).
I currently have a bunch of resources / subscriptions in my tenant, but am not sure which ones use TLS.
I was wondering is there a way to generate a list of resources that may use a version of TLS? Or is there a reference of resources that use TLS?
To list the resources which are using the TLS version, run the below commands in PowerShell:
1. Install-Module -Name Az.ResourceGraph
2. Connect-AzAccount
Search-AzGraph -Query "Resources | where properties.minimumTlsVersion == 'TLS1_2' | project name, type, properties.minimumTlsVersion"
name type properties_minimumTlsVersion
---- ---- ----------------------------
689314 microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
adXXstorage21 microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXXXXstorageanalytics microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXXXXXXXXanalytics123 microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXXXXXXgen2cshaik microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXXXXXXXXgen2may15 microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXXXXXXXXgensubm microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
aXstorageaccount microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
XXXstore01 microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2
assiststorageaccount microsoft.storage/storageaccounts TLS1_2