I am using an unordered_map<float, unsigned short>
to implement a hash table in C++.
I know that using floats as keys to a hash table is a bad idea under most circumstances because comparing them is error-prone. However, under these circumstances, I am reading the floats in from large files and their precision is known and constant.
However, I would like to know the details of how unordered_map
is hashing my floats in order to estimate collision frequency. I am not overriding the default hash implementation when I create the unordered_map
. According to the documentation, the default hash function is std::hash<Key>
. Which in my case is std::hash<float>
. However, when I look at the std::hash
documentation, it is only defined for "template arguments of type char*
, const char*
, crope
, wrope
, and the built-in integral types".
Does anyone know what function is being called to hash the values as I add them to the unordered_map?
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb982522.aspx
- http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/hash.html#1
According to the C++11 standard, float
is supported for std::hash
as well. The actual hash function is implementation dependent, so even if you can figure out collision frequency for your current compiler a newer version or a different compiler may implement a different hash function. Here is the full list of std::hash
template <> struct hash<bool>;
template <> struct hash<char>;
template <> struct hash<signed char>;
template <> struct hash<unsigned char>;
template <> struct hash<char16_t>;
template <> struct hash<char32_t>;
template <> struct hash<wchar_t>;
template <> struct hash<short>;
template <> struct hash<unsigned short>;
template <> struct hash<int>;
template <> struct hash<unsigned int>;
template <> struct hash<long>;
template <> struct hash<unsigned long>;
template <> struct hash<long long>;
template <> struct hash<unsigned long long>;
template <> struct hash<float>;
template <> struct hash<double>;
template <> struct hash<long double>;
template <class T> struct hash<T*>;