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JAXB SAXParseException after migrating from Java8 to Java11

I'm upgrading a Spring Boot 2.7.0 project from Java 8 to Java 11. The project is using maven-jaxb2-plugin to generate classes from wsdl files.

This is the configuration



The configuration stays the same in both versions, only the version of maven-jaxb2-plugin changes from 0.13.3 to 0.15.1. I had to add new maven dependencies jaxwx-api and saaj-impl. They use the default version which comes from Spring Boot.

The output, when running mvn clean install with Java 8, is

[INFO] --- maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.13.3:generate (organisationalStructure) @ redb2b --- [WARNING] You are using forceRegenerate=true in your configuration. This configuration setting is deprecated and not recommended as it causes problems with incremental builds in IDEs. Please refer to the following link for more information: Consider removing this setting from your plugin configuration. [INFO] The [forceRegenerate] switch is turned on, XJC will be executed. [INFO] Episode file [C:\RPSS\B2B-portal\target\generated-sources\META-INF\sun-jaxb.episode] was augmented with if-exists="true" attributes.

When running mvn clean install with Java 11, the output is identical but it also contains an exception

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Are you trying to compile WSDL? Support for WSDL is experimental. You may enable it by using the -wsdl option.

The SAXParseException comes between the last 2 [INFO] lines. The code is generated successfully from the wsdl file and the application behaves fine.

Still, I would like to understand the reason behind the exception. Nothing changes in the wsdl.



  • Sorry for the long time answer but this is a bug, not in the plugin itself but in JAXB-XJC which was introduced in 2.3.6 version (issue here), used in 0.15.x version of the plugin.

    The good point : it has been resolved in latest release of JAXB runtime (4.0.4 and 2.3.9). We are currently rolling out the next version of the plugin (4.0.1) based on 4.0.4 version of JAXB-XJC, and then look at the 2.0.10 release with 2.3.9 upgrade of JAXB-XJC in order to close the issue in JAXB-Tools.

    You might look at the migration guide in order to use the latest versions of the maven-plugin and related tools since many things changed this year (merging repository into maven-jaxb2-plugin's repository renamed jaxb-tools, support of jakarta JAXB's version, many bugfixes...)