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Inversify child class with super method passing the argument to parent is not working

When I try to pass the argument to parent class via super class in inversify there is argument error :

"message": "The number of constructor arguments in the derived 
class Child must be >= than the number of constructor arguments of its base class.",
"stack": "Error: The number of constructor arguments in the derived 
class Child must be >= than the number of constructor arguments of its base class.\n

Here is my child and parent class which looks correct:


import { injectable } from 'inversify';

interface IParentInterface {
  someMethod(): void;

export class Parent implements IParentInterface {
  private readonly _topic: string;
  constructor(topic: string) {
    this._topic = topic;
    console.log('Parent constructor with topid', this._topic);

  someMethod(): void {
    console.log('Parent method');


import { injectable } from 'inversify';
import { Parent } from './Parent';

export class Child extends Parent {
  constructor() {
    super('my_topic'); // Call the parent class constructor
    console.log('Child constructor');

Types file


export const TYPES = {

  Parent: Symbol.for('parent'),
  Child: Symbol.for('Child')


  const newContainers = new AsyncContainerModule(async (bind: interfaces.Bind) => {

    const app = new AppServer(

    const childInstance = app.getContainer().get<Child>(TYPES.Child);

When I remove the super arguments it works


  • Got the answer:

    We need to leverage the DI and inject the constant

    export class Parent implements IParentInterface {
      private readonly _topic: string;
      constructor(@inject(TYPES.Topic) protected readonly topic: string) {
        this._topic = topic;
        console.log('Parent constructor with topid', this._topic);
      someMethod(): void {
        console.log('Parent method');

    and In container we need to set this
