I'm trying to execute poetry install
, but I got errors
Cannot install pyasn1.
SecretStorage required
And when I try to poetry add SecretStorage, I got the same SecretStorage required
What should I do to fix that?
(Python version - 3.11, operating system - Macos)
Answer is based on source: https://github.com/orgs/python-poetry/discussions/7119#discussioncomment-4394623
It wasn't necessarily
causing the received error, it was thatpython-keychain
was looking forSecretStorage
to be configured and implemented, when it was not. A few weeks ago, I attempted to implementsecretservice
for another application, but abandoned the implementation. I knew there was a modified configuration file somewhere on my system that was configured to use the now defunctsecretservice
implementation, but since I never received any sign specifically pointing to this misconfigured file, I assumed it wasn't a concern. When all along, poetry was pointing right at the issue, in it's own way.
was the file in question that was modified to use the defunctsecretservice
implementation. I simply exchangeddefault-keyring=keyring.backends.secretservice.Keyring
. Immediately after which, poetry ceased output of the error, and is back to working fantastically.