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min-width media query not working on ipad?

Why isnt the following media query being picked up on iPads in landscape mode?

@media all and (min-device-width: 1000px) {
    css here


@media all and (min-width: 1000px) {
    css here

I want this css to target any browser which is 1000px wide or over, not just ipads. For this reason id rather work with the 2nd option of min-width not min-device-width if possible. Both versions work fine with firefox on my PC. Thanks


  • The iPad is always reporting its width as 768px and its height as 1024px, so you have to find out how it is rotated with orientation and use min-device-height:1000px like so:

         /* This will apply to all screens with a width 999px and smaller */
    * {
           This will apply to all screens larger then 1000px wide 
           including landscape ipad but not portrait ipad. 
    @media (orientation:landscape) and (min-device-height:1000px),
           all and (min-width:1000px) {
        * {


    • iPad
      • Portrait       - green text - black background
      • Landscape - white text  - red background
    • iPhone
      • Portrait       - green text - black background
      • Landscape - green text - black background
    • Computer (resolution)
      • 1680x1050 - white text  - red background
      • 800x600     - green text - black background

    Using chrome & firefox (does anyone even use IE anymore?)

    w3 media queries
    Safari CSS Reference
    Optimizing Web Content