I add a PUT /:folder route to create a folder
I need a PUT /:folder/:path/to/final/file, to be used when user post a new file. So I have the root in the first paramer, but I don't know how to create a route handling 'n' routes segments and the read as a single string
For example callling
PUT /cats
will create folder named cats. This is already working
I need
PUT /cats/milady/first-year/32312.jpg
to identify 'cats' as first parameter, it's my user first-level-folder and then get mylady/first-year as nested subfolders to check and create if needed
and the 32312.jpg a filename
I ask you kindly how to setup route using gin PUT
I found an answer.
I can create group, so under a group I can use the asterisk for 'undefined level of path'
superGroup := router.Group("/:folder")
// Create a folder
superGroup.PUT("", createFolder)
// Save file into folder
superGroup.PUT("/*full-path", uploadFile)
Then I can read the full-path
and the folder
func uploadFile(c *gin.Context) {
folder:= c.Param("folder")
fullPath := c.Param("full-path")