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How to use complex / nested bindings with TypedBinding in .NET MAUI C# Markup?

I'm using TypedBindings in CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup and my binding is not working as expected when binding to a property nested inside of another property.

In the sample code below, the Label text is updated using the "old" binding method that uses Reflection:

.Bind(Label.TextProperty, path: "NestedObject.Test")

but the Label text does not get updated when using TypedBindings (no reflection):

         static (TestModel myModel) => myModel.NestedObject.Test)


class TestView : ContentPage
    TestModel model;

    public TestView()
        model = new TestModel();
        BindingContext = model;

        Content = new Grid
            Children =
                new VerticalStackLayout
                    new Label

                    }.Bind(Label.TextProperty, path: "NestedObject.Test"),

                    new Label

                            static (TestModel myModel) => myModel.NestedObject.Test,

                    new Entry

                            static (TestModel model) => model.NestedObject.Test
                            static (TestModel model, string value) => model.NestedObject.Test = value),


partial class TestModel : ObservableObject
    NestedObject nestedObject = new();
    NestedObject? nestedObject2;
    string title = "My Title";

partial class NestedObject : ObservableObject
    string test = "Initial";


  • For TypedBindings, a nested binding requires you to include the handlers parameter.

    It looks like you're just missing the handlers parameter. Below is the updated code as well as a GIF of the working sample app.

    I've also submitted a PR here adding the handlers to demonstrate the missing code:

    Updated Sample Code

    public class TestView : ContentPage
        TestModel model;
        public TestView()
            model = new TestModel();
            BindingContext = model;
            Content = new Grid
                Children =
                    new VerticalStackLayout
                        new Label
                        }.Bind(Label.TextProperty, path: "NestedObject.Test"),
                        new Label
                                getter: static (TestModel myModel) => myModel.NestedObject.Test,
                                handlers: new (Func<TestModel, object?>, string)[]
                                    (vm => vm, nameof(TestModel.NestedObject)),
                                    (vm => vm.NestedObject, nameof(TestModel.NestedObject.Test)),
                        new Entry
                                getter: static (TestModel model) => model.NestedObject.Test, 
                                handlers: new (Func<TestModel, object?>, string)[]
                                    (vm => vm, nameof(TestModel.NestedObject)),
                                    (vm => vm.NestedObject, nameof(TestModel.NestedObject.Test)),
                                setter: (TestModel model, string value) => model.NestedObject.Test = value),

    Working Sample

    Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 15 - 2023-11-29 at 12 00 37

    Nested Binding Examples in CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup.UnitTests