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Phalcon PHP validation Uniqueness but allow empty values

I have the following validation:

use Phalcon\Validation;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness;

class Users extends BaseModel {
    public function validation() {
        $validator = new Validation();
        $validator->add('some_data', new Uniqueness([
                    'message' => 'this field must be unique or epmty'
        // some other rules (...)
        return $this->validate($validator);

The question is how to allow pass empty data. I'd like to save in database NULL if data is empty or unique value if it's passed.


  • You should just be able to do the following in your model class:

    public function validation()
            $validator = new Validation();
                new Uniqueness(
                        'message' => 'Example must be unique',
                        'allowEmpty' => true,
            return $this->validate($validator);