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cursor.fetchall() function return an empty list - python mysql

I tried to query some data from mysql database, but i couldn't fetch any data even though the data is indeed exist in the database and there is no error message whatsoever.

    'user' : 'root',
    'password' : '*********',
    'host' : '*******',
    'database' : 'aa_dev',
    'port' : 3306

sql = 'SELECT idfi, aircraft, file_location FROM flights_info WHERE idfi =%s'
val = [('PK-YSG-23001',), ('PK-YSG-23002',), ('PK-YSG-23003',), ('PK-YSG-23004',)]

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(**mysql_config)
mycursor = mydb.cursor()

mycursor.executemany(sql, val)
d = mycursor.fetchall()
print(d) #Output an empty list

Then I tried query only one data and get the result. But i still don't understand why can't i query the data in bulk?.

sql = 'SELECT idfi, aircraft, file_location FROM flights_info WHERE idfi =%s'
val = ('PK-YSG-23001',)

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(**mysql_config)
mycursor = mydb.cursor()

mycursor.execute(sql, val)
d = mycursor.fetchall()
print(d) #Output the data


  • What I did below is instead of using the executemany, I modified the query to use an IN clause. This will allow us to fetch all the desired rows in one go.

    sql = 'SELECT idfi, aircraft, file_location FROM flights_info WHERE idfi IN (%s)'
    placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(val))
    flattened_values = [item for sublist in val for item in sublist]
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(**mysql_config)
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
    mycursor.execute(sql % placeholders, flattened_values)
    d = mycursor.fetchall()