I have a Blazor server solution using
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref v6.0.0 and blazor mudblazor 6.10.0
. The solution has two projects ProjectA and ProjectB, ProjectA has all the Blazor scaffolding code and ProjectB has some additional Blazor pages and components which I want to use and reference from ProjectA.
ProjectA has a MudNavMenu in which it has a menu item which should point to a component in ProjectB it is defined as follows
<MudNavLink Href="/modelrange/model1"
Inside ProjectB there is a Razor Page inside the Folder structure Pages/ModelRange/index.razor
With a route definition as follows
@page "/modelrange/model1"
When I click on the link I get an error stating that
there's nothing at this address.
I have tried adding this to the startup.cs of ProjectA but with no luck
You have to modify your App.razor:
<Router AppAssembly="@typeof(App).Assembly" AdditionalAssemblies="new[] {your target assembly}">
Here's the document realted