In a class inherited from QTableView I have this function:
def edit(
index: QModelIndex,
trigger: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger,
event: Optional[QEvent],
) -> bool:
mypy reports this an error, saying:
error: Signature of "edit" incompatible with supertype "QAbstractItemView" [override]
note: Superclass:
note: @overload
note: def edit(self, index: QModelIndex) -> None
note: @overload
note: def edit(self, index: QModelIndex, trigger: EditTrigger, event: QEvent | None) -> bool
note: Subclass:
note: def edit(self, index: QModelIndex, trigger: EditTrigger, event: QEvent | None) -> bool
It looks to me as if my subclass exactly matches the second @overload definition. Why is mypy flagging this?
Thanks to @STerliakov who pointed me in the right direction. For anyone else finding this question the fix I used is below. Note that the ellipses ("...") are literally three dots rather than a placeholder for some unspecified code.
from typing import overload
def edit(self, index: QModelIndex) -> None:
def edit(
index: QModelIndex,
trigger: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger,
event: Optional[QEvent]
) -> bool:
def edit(self, index, trigger, event):
[Function implementation code goes here]