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How to send an emoji in Twilio Whatsapp Template

I have a WhatsApp template on Twilio and I want you to have some emojis but I don't know how to do it. How can I add them? I want to do the same on a webhook.

public function SendMessage(){
    $sid = getenv("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
    $token = getenv("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
    $twilio = new Client($sid, $token);

    $message = $twilio->messages
        ->create("whatsapp:+14155238886", // to
                "from" => "whatsapp:+15005550006",
                "body" => "this is a message with emoji"

public function actionWebHook()
    $from = $_POST['From'];
    $body = $_POST['Body'];

    $response = $_POST;
    if(is_array($response)) {
        $response = json_encode($response, true);        }

    $response = new MessagingResponse();
    $response->message("Emoji here!Su *mensaje* ha sido recibido y  fue: ".$body);

    print $response;


  • Answer

    In the WhatsApp Template you can directly add the emoji characters into the "body" parameter of the message. For example, if you want to add a smiley face emoji, you can do it as follows:

    $message = $twilio->messages
        ->create("whatsapp:+14155238886", // to
                "from" => "whatsapp:+15005550006",
                "body" => "this is a message with emoji 😊"

    In the Webhook Response: Similarly, you can add emoji characters to the response message. For example:

    $response = new MessagingResponse();
    $response->message("Emoji here! 😊 Su *mensaje* ha sido recibido y fue: ".$body);

    Emojis can be copied from an emoji keyboard or an online emoji list.


    However, you may want to use a more sophisticated mechanism, such as sentiment analysis, such that it outputs emojis in response to the sentiment detected.

    I would use a combination of Python and PHP in this case.

    Set Up a Python Sentiment Analysis Script

    Write a Python script that takes text input and outputs sentiment scores. Here's a simple example using TextBlob

    from textblob import TextBlob
    def analyze_sentiment(text):
        testimonial = TextBlob(text)
        return testimonial.sentiment.polarity

    This function returns a polarity score between -1 (negative) and 1 (positive).

    Integrate Sentiment Analysis with Your PHP Code

    Call the sentiment analysis tool/API from your PHP code and get the sentiment score. For a Python script, you can use exec() or a similar function in PHP. For an API, you'll make an HTTP request.
    $sentimentScore = exec('python "'. $body .'"');

    Choose an Emoji Based on Sentiment Score

    Based on the sentiment score, choose an appropriate emoji. For example:
    if ($sentimentScore > 0.5) {
        $emoji = '😊'; // Positive
    } elseif ($sentimentScore < -0.5) {
        $emoji = '😞'; // Negative
    } else {
        $emoji = '😐'; // Neutral

    Include the Emoji in Your Message

    Add the chosen emoji to your message body.
    $response->message($emoji . " Su *mensaje* ha sido recibido y fue: " . $body);