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How would I make two ways to output something with <<?

For example, if I wanted to have a default version of outputting with << and a detailed version.

myClass myObject(//Constructor parameters);

cout << myObject << "\n";
cout << myObject.detailed << "\n";

I tried making a modifier within my class but that didn't seem to work.

class myClass {
   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const myClass& myObject);
   std::ostream& detailed(std::ostream& output);

That gave the error "Reference to non-static member function must be called".


  • I think my approach is the same as what @RemyLebeau but more generic.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    // class templated to be able to apply
    // detailed mechanism to different types
    template<typename type_t>
    class detailed
        detailed(const type_t& object) : 
            m_object{ object } 
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const detailed<type_t>& detailed_object)
            return os;
        const type_t& m_object;
    // like your class
    struct test_class_t
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const test_class_t& object)
            os << object.basic;
            return os;
        void detailed_output(std::ostream& os) const // <- const is important
            os << basic << ", " << details;
        std::string basic{ "basic" };
        std::string details{ "details" };
    int main()
        test_class_t object;
        std::cout << detailed{object} << "\n";