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Continue to receive the run-time error below in VB Code

I keep getting the error shown below on line 32 of my code. Essentially all I'm trying to do is to copy the Project and Client values from one table in a worksheet to another table in a worksheet. I can get the code to work to simply copy only the project, but I'd like for it to copy both if possible.

Any ideas to why this keeps happening?


Error Image


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    ' Define worksheets and tables
    Dim wsEngagements As Worksheet
    Dim wsPnL As Worksheet
    Dim tblEngagement As ListObject
    Dim tblFinance As ListObject
    ' Set worksheet references
    Set wsEngagements = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Engagements")
    Set wsPnL = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("P&L")
    ' Set table references
    Set tblEngagement = wsEngagements.ListObjects("Engagement")
    Set tblFinance = wsPnL.ListObjects("Finance")
    ' Check if the change occurred in the Project column of the Engagement table
    If Not Intersect(Target, tblEngagement.ListColumns("Project").DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
        ' Get the changed project name
        Dim projectName As String
        projectName = Target.Value
        ' Get the corresponding client name
        Dim clientName As String
        Dim clientColumnIndex As Integer
        clientColumnIndex = tblEngagement.ListColumns("Client").Index
        ' Find the row in the Engagement table where the project name is entered
        Dim engagementRow As ListRow
        Set engagementRow = tblEngagement.ListRows(Target.Row - tblEngagement.HeaderRowRange.Row)
        ' Get the client name from the same row in the Client column
        clientName = engagementRow.ListObjects("Engagement").ListColumns("Client").DataBodyRange.Value
        ' Check if the project name is not empty
        If projectName <> "" Then
            ' Check if the project name already exists in the Finance table
            If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(tblFinance.ListColumns("Project").DataBodyRange, projectName) = 0 Then
                ' Find the first empty row in the Finance table
                Dim financeRow As ListRow
                Set financeRow = tblFinance.ListRows.Add
                ' Copy the project name and client name to the Finance table
                financeRow.ListObject.ListColumns("Project").DataBodyRange.Value = projectName
                financeRow.ListObject.ListColumns("Client").DataBodyRange.Value = clientName
                ' Inform the user about the successful copy
                MsgBox "Project name '" & projectName & "' and client '" & clientName & "' copied to Finance table."
                ' Inform the user if the project name already exists in the Finance table
                MsgBox "Project name '" & projectName & "' already exists in Finance table."
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub


  • engagementRow is a ListRow object. It doesn't have ListObjects property.

        ' Get the client name from the same row in the Client column
        clientName = engagementRow.ListObjects("Engagement").ListColumns("Client").DataBodyRange.Value

    Revised code lines are marked with '**'.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        ' Define worksheets and tables
        Dim wsEngagements As Worksheet
        Dim wsPnL As Worksheet
        Dim tblEngagement As ListObject
        Dim tblFinance As ListObject
        ' Set worksheet references
        Set wsEngagements = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Engagements")
        Set wsPnL = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("P&L")
        ' Set table references
        Set tblEngagement = wsEngagements.ListObjects("Engagement")
        Set tblFinance = wsPnL.ListObjects("Finance")
        ' Check if the change occurred in the Project column of the Engagement table
        If Not Intersect(Target, tblEngagement.ListColumns("Project").DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
            ' Get the changed project name
            Dim projectName As String
            projectName = Target.Value
            ' Get the corresponding client name
            Dim clientName As String
            Dim clientColumnIndex As Integer
            clientColumnIndex = tblEngagement.ListColumns("Client").Index
            ' Find the row in the Engagement table where the project name is entered
            Dim engagementRow As ListRow
            Set engagementRow = tblEngagement.ListRows(Target.Row - tblEngagement.HeaderRowRange.Row)
            ' Get the client name from the same row in the Client column
            clientName = engagementRow.Range(clientColumnIndex).Value   '**'
            ' Check if the project name is not empty
            If projectName <> "" Then
                ' Check if the project name already exists in the Finance table
                If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(tblFinance.ListColumns("Project").DataBodyRange, projectName) = 0 Then
                    ' Find the first empty row in the Finance table
                    Dim financeRow As ListRow, projectColIndex As Long, clientColIndex As Long   '**'
                    Set financeRow = tblFinance.ListRows.Add
                    clientColIndex = tblFinance.ListColumns("Client").Index   '**'
                    projectColIndex = tblFinance.ListColumns("Project").Index   '**'
                    ' Copy the project name and client name to the Finance table
                    financeRow.Range(projectColIndex).Value = projectName   '**'
                    financeRow.Range(clientColIndex).Value = clientName   '**'
                    ' Inform the user about the successful copy
                    MsgBox "Project name '" & projectName & "' and client '" & clientName & "' copied to Finance table."
                    ' Inform the user if the project name already exists in the Finance table
                    MsgBox "Project name '" & projectName & "' already exists in Finance table."
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Microsoft documentation:

    ListRow.Range property (Excel)

    ListColumn.Index property (Excel)