So I tried to get the rotation to align two planes to each other once the centers are at the same place. I failed so I came up with this very simpel example, Two rectangles that are 90° rotated relative to each other, and wrote the following short script
0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 2.0 0.0
1.0 2.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2.0 0.0 0.0
2.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
import numpy as np
import files
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from_ = np.genfromtxt(files.FROM)
to = np.genfromtxt(files.TO)
mean_from = np.mean(from_, axis=0)
mean_to = np.mean(to, axis=0)
centered_from = from_ - mean_from
centered_to = to - mean_to
rot,res = Rotation.align_vectors(centered_from,centered_to)
sol = rot.as_quat()
print("({}f, {}f, {}f, {}f)".format(sol[0],sol[1],sol[2],sol[3]))
Optimal rotation is not uniquely or poorly defined for the given sets of vectors. rot,res = Rotation.align_vectors(centered_from,centered_to) 2.449489742783178 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
Why would it fail at such a simple example? And even if I use a more complicated example with 12 points the result does not align the points properly. The points are rotated 90° in one direction and then 180° in another direction
(Complex Example) The points are rotated 90° in one direction and then 180° in another direction
-1.061441 1.029105 0.3137982
-1.058325 0.6978046 0.3261206
-0.5160019 1.044142 0.5801408
-0.5128856 0.7128415 0.5924632
-0.5150666 1.089168 0.5781018
-0.5124189 0.733911 0.5916736
0.09491175 1.098186 0.6951484
0.09755945 0.7429286 0.7087202
-0.4337781 0.6063982 0.2094956
-0.3675401 0.5803195 0.08044138
-0.1081934 0.6057502 0.3767354
-0.04195532 0.5796715 0.2476811
0.6978049 -1.058325 -0.3261207
0.7128419 -0.5128859 -0.5924634
1.029105 -1.061442 -0.3137983
1.044142 -0.5160022 -0.580141
0.7339112 -0.512419 -0.5916737
0.7429286 0.09755942 -0.7087204
1.089168 -0.5150667 -0.5781019
1.098186 0.09491169 -0.6951486
0.5795034 -0.2047889 -0.1641395
0.5804876 -0.2047065 -0.1639829
0.6055822 -0.271027 -0.2931938
0.6065664 -0.2709446 -0.2930371
Thats everything I tried and I dont understand how to further pin down the problem
The function Rotation.align_vectors()
assumes that the vectors in both matrices are in the same order. The points are not in the same order. You can see this by plotting them.
Simple example from/to:
In the from example, it starts at (0,0), moves to (1, 0), moves to (2, 0) diagonally, then moves to (1, 2). In the to example, it has no diagonal move. There is no rotation that can fix this - it requires both a rotation and a permutation.
You'll find something similar if you plot your complex example.
In order to fix this, I tried expanding the search, in order to search through every rotation of every permutation.
Here is the code I used:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import itertools
from tqdm import tqdm
def array_permutations(array):
N = array.shape[0]
for permute in itertools.permutations(range(N)):
yield array[list(permute)], permute
def find_best_rotation(source, target):
best_res = None
best_rot = None
best_perm = None
for source_permuted, perm in tqdm(array_permutations(source), total=math.factorial(source.shape[0])):
rot, res = Rotation.align_vectors(source_permuted, target)
if best_res is None or res < best_res:
best_res = res
best_rot = rot
best_perm = perm
return best_rot, best_res, best_perm
limit = 8 # Only consider first N points of each dataset
rot, res, perm = find_best_rotation(from_[:limit], to[:limit])
print("({}f, {}f, {}f, {}f)".format(sol[0],sol[1],sol[2],sol[3]))
from_x = rot.apply(from_)[:, 0]
from_y = rot.apply(from_)[:, 1]
jitter = 0.005 # make points visible
plt.scatter(from_x + jitter, from_y + jitter)
plt.scatter(to[:, 0], to[:, 1])
Here's the result this produces:
Some notes on this solution: