I have following pandas
import pandas as pd
df2 = pd.DataFrame({
'nombreNumeroUnico': ['UP2_G1_B', 'UP2_G2_B'],
'pMax': [110.0, 110.0]
((Out [1])):
nombreNumeroUnico pMax
0 UP2_G1_B 110.0
1 UP2_G2_B 110.0
I want to transform this into:
UP2_G1_B UP2_G2_B
0 110 110
So far I was able to convert it using pivot function but I am not getting the exact result I want.
df2.pivot(index=None, columns="nombreNumeroUnico", values="pMax")
((Out [57])):
nombreNumeroUnico UP2_G1_B UP2_G2_B
0 110.0 NaN
1 NaN 110.0
But it's not the exact result I want. How can I get the expected result?
Pls use df2.set_index('nombreNumeroUnico').T.reset_index(drop=True)
Test Code:
import pandas as pd
df2 = pd.DataFrame({
'nombreNumeroUnico': ['UP2_G1_B', 'UP2_G2_B'],
'pMax': [110.0, 110.0]
result_df = df2.set_index('nombreNumeroUnico').T.reset_index(drop=True)
result_df.columns.name = None
UP2_G1_B UP2_G2_B
0 110.0 110.0