I want make autorization on my site using this code (It is not important for me to use this particular authorization option. If you have other options for implementing authorization on the site, I will be glad to consider them)
def get_db():
db = SessionLocal()
yield db
SECRET_KEY = "somekeyfasfascsacs"
bcrypt_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto")
oauth2_bearer = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="auth/token")
db_dependency = Annotated[Session, Depends(get_db)]
def authenticate_user(username: str, password: str, db: db_dependency):
user = db.query(Users).filter(Users.username == username).first()
if not user:
return False
if not bcrypt_context.verify(password, user.hashed_password):
return False
return user
def create_access_token(username: str, user_id: int,
expires_delta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None):
encode = {"sub": username, "id": user_id}
if expires_delta:
expire = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + expires_delta
expire = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
encode.update({"exp": expire})
return jwt.encode(encode, SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM)
async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_bearer)]):
payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
username: str = payload.get("sub")
user_id: int = payload.get("id")
user_role: str = payload.get("role")
if username is None or user_id is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Could not validate user")
return {"username": username, "id": user_id, "user_role": user_role}
except JWTError:
# When authorizing using a button and trying to use other functions,
# it gives this error
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Could not validate user")
async def login_for_access_token(response: Response, form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(),
db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
user = authenticate_user(form_data.username, form_data.password, db)
if not user:
return False
token_expires = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
token = create_access_token(user.username,
response.set_cookie(key="access_token", value=token, httponly=True)
return True
But I get this error:
If you log in through the Autorize button, it doesn’t give you an error, but when you try to use other functions, the site gives you a 401 Unautorize error.
You should return token in async def login_for_access_token
instead of returning True
If you use OAuth2PasswordBearer
auth schema, then Swager (documentation system) expects to receive token in the response body, not in cookies.
return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}