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Constants as targets?

My function that produces a target depends not only on a data.frame but also on additional parameters. Like:

# _targets.R
mydat <- function() data.frame(time=1901:2020, val=letters[1:10])
myfun <- function(dat, from, to) subset(dat, time>from & time<to)
    tar_target(dat, mydat()),
    tar_target(dat_of_interest, myfun(dat, from=2019, to=2020)

Now I wonder how to define the target pipeline so it is aware of changes in the parameters? Is there a best practice?


  • targets is smart enough to check dependencies on globals too, so you can simply write:

    mydat <- function() data.frame(time = 1901:2020, val = letters[1:10])
    myfun <- function(dat, from, to) subset(dat, time >= from & time <= to)
    from <- 2018
    to <- 2020
      tar_target(dat, mydat()),
      tar_target(dat_of_interest, myfun(dat, from = from, to = to))
    # ▶ start target dat
    # ● built target dat [0.02 seconds]
    # ▶ start target dat_of_interest
    # ● built target dat_of_interest [0 seconds]
    # ▶ end pipeline [4.39 seconds]
    # ✔ skip target dat
    # ✔ skip target dat_of_interest
    # ✔ skip pipeline [2.62 seconds]
    from <- 2017
    # ✔ skip target dat
    # ▶ start target dat_of_interest
    # ● built target dat_of_interest [0 seconds]
    # ▶ end pipeline [3.5 seconds]

    However, you can also be more specific about it and make it an own target, either by hardcoding the constant in the target, or by creating a wrapper function:

    tar_target(from, 2019)
    ## or
    get_from <- function() {
    tar_target(from, get_from())

    In the first case, to change from change the value in tar_target in the latter case change the return value of the function. I would either go for the global approach or the wrapper function.