I have a file that's made up of entries like:
A first = 4 | 1_3_5_4 Name1
i = 1000000 j = -3 k = -15
B first = 4 | 9_2_2_4 Name2
i = 150000 j = -3 k = -20
I asked this question about how to replace certain values in the file with corresponding values from a Pandas dataframe like:
i j k
0 unit1 unit2 unit3
1 1000 100 84
2 -3000 200 60
3 -2000 90 195
4 900 40 209
I got a great solution. However, I have some lines in my file where only the i and k values need to be replaced. I.e., the dataframe looks like:
i k
0 unit1 unit3
1 1000 84
2 -3000 60
3 -2000 195
4 900 209
So I would want this result (for example). Here, I use the third row of values from the dataframe to replace only the values in the "i" and "k" fields of "B" in the file:
A first = 4 | 1_3_5_4 Name1
i = 1000000 j = -3 k = -15
B first = 4 | 9_2_2_4 Name2
i = -2000 j = -3 k = 195
However, in this situation, nothing happens when I run the solution. I have tried changing "idx" to 2. I even tried changing idx to "1" and running it for only i (having removed anything related to j and k) and then k. That doesn't work either. I haven't been able to find anything online about how to ignore/skip a field. If anyone has a hint, I would be grateful.
Adapt the solution to not consider a fixed line with multiple fields, but rather the fields individually. Here we split on \n\n
to handle the individual blocks separately.
import re
idx = 3
to_replace = 'B'
with (open('input_file.txt', 'r') as f_in,
open('output_file.txt', 'w') as f_out):
s = df.loc[idx]
pat = r'\b(%s)\b(\s*=\s*)(\d+)' % '|'.join(s.index)
re.sub(pat, lambda m: fr'{m.group(1)}{m.group(2)}{s.loc[m.group(1)]}',
block, flags=re.M | re.S)
if block.startswith(to_replace) else block
for block in re.split('\n\n', f_in.read())
A first = 4 | 1_3_5_4 Name1
i = 1000000 j = -3 k = -15
B first = 4 | 9_2_2_4 Name2
i = 150000 j = -3 k = -20