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Where to find required properties for Bicep Azure resources

I'm trying to create resources on Azure Cloud using Bicep but im not sure where to find required properties

I'm using this link to look for VM resources properties but it doesn't say which one are required and which one are optional like Terraform registry


  • Unlike terraform, there is no specific document for the required and optional parameters for creating a virtual machine using bicep.

    One way to know is go through the terraform document and find out the required parameters and provide same in the Bicep resource properties.

    Or check below few required properties for VM creation using bicep:

    name, location, type, apiVersion, properties.storageProfile.imageReference.publisher,offer, sku, properties.osProfile.computerName, properties.osProfile.adminUsername, properties.osProfile.adminPassword, properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize,

    And as suggested by @Peter Bons, look into property values for the above required properties.

    I would recommend you look into below sample templates as all the required properties are provided here.


    1. MSDoc template
    2. Windows VM & Linux VM

    After checking above, below is the code which I tried in my environment using mandatory properties for VM creation.

    param location string = resourceGroup().location
    param vmName string
    param adminUsername string
    param adminPassword string
    param vmSize string = 'Standard_B4ms'
    param osVersion string = '2022-Datacenter-smalldisk'
    var bastionHostName = 'bastion'
    var bastionSubnet = ''
    var bastionSubnet = 'AzureBastionSubnet'
    var bastionIPName = 'bastionIP'
    var nsgName = 'NSG'
    var computerName = '${vmName}-vm'
    var nicName = '${vmName}-nic'
    var osDiskName = '${vmName}-osdisk'
    var vnetName = 'xxx'
    var vnetPrefix = ''
    var subnetName = 'xxxx'
    var subnetPrefix = ''
    resource nsg 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-01-01' = {
      name: nsgName
      location: location
      properties: {
        securityRules: [
            name: 'RDP-allow'
            properties: {
              description: ''
              protocol: 'Tcp'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '3389'
              sourceAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
              destinationAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
              access: 'Allow'
              priority: 200
              direction: 'Inbound'
    resource bastionIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-01-01' = {
      name: bastionIPName
      location: location
      sku: {
        name: 'Standard'
        tier: 'Regional'
      properties: {f
        publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Static'
        publicIPAddressVersion: 'IPv4'
        idleTimeoutInMinutes: 4
    resource vnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2022-01-01' = {
      name: vnetName
      location: location
      properties: {
        addressSpace: {
          addressPrefixes: [
        subnets: [
            name: subnetName
            properties: {
              addressPrefix: subnetPrefix
              networkSecurityGroup: {
            name: bastionSubnet
            properties: {
              addressPrefix: bastionSubnet
    resource nic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-01-01' = {
      name: nicName
      location: location
      properties: {
        networkSecurityGroup: {
        ipConfigurations: [
            name: 'ipConfig1'
            properties: {
              privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
              subnet: {
                id: '${}/subnets/${subnetName}'
    resource bastionHost 'Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts@2022-01-01' = {
      name: bastionHostName
      location: location
      properties: {
        ipConfigurations: [
            name: 'ipConfig'
            properties: {
              publicIPAddress: {
              subnet: {
                id: '${}/subnets/${bastionSubnet}'
    resource windowsVM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-03-01' = {
      name: computerName
      location: location
      properties: {
        hardwareProfile: {
          vmSize: vmSize
        networkProfile: {
          networkInterfaces: [
              properties: {
                deleteOption: 'Detach'
                primary: true
        osProfile: {
          adminUsername: adminUsername
          adminPassword: adminPassword
          computerName: computerName
          windowsConfiguration: {
            enableAutomaticUpdates: true
            provisionVMAgent: true
        storageProfile: {
          imageReference: {
            publisher: 'MicrosoftWindowsServer'
            offer: 'WindowsServer'
            sku: osVersion
            version: 'latest'
          osDisk: {
            name: osDiskName
            createOption: 'FromImage'
            osType: 'Windows'
            managedDisk: {
              storageAccountType: 'Standard_LRS'

    Deployment succeeded:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here