I'm using terraform alb community module to assign IPs to subnets. I managed to do it in three seprate sets (as below). Is there a way to do it one bracket using for
or for_each
loop? Thanks!
subnet_mapping = [
allocation_id = var.allocation_id[0]
subnet_id = var.public_subnets[0]
allocation_id = var.allocation_id[1]
subnet_id = var.public_subnets[1]
allocation_id = var.allocation_id[2]
subnet_id = var.public_subnets[2]
variable "public_subnets" {
type = list(string)
description = "Public Subnet ids"
default = ["subnet-0b11fb63b479xxxx", "subnet-0f401893ad414xxx", "subnet-0887c57b023fxxx"]
variable "allocation_id" {
type = list(string)
description = "List of allocation ids of elastic IPs"
default = ["eipalloc-058fa2edc336f1xxx","eipalloc-012227feb7cf9xxx","eipalloc-075bf28dc2b5cxxx"]
Essentially the same answer as https://stackoverflow.com/a/77565922 except for the type definition listing each single attribute
variable "subnet_mapping" {
type = list(object({
allocation_id = string
subnet_id = string
default = [
{allocation_id = "x1", subnet_id = "y1"},
{allocation_id = "x2", subnet_id = "y2"},
{allocation_id = "x3", subnet_id = "y3"}
output "subnet_mapping" {
value = var.subnet_mapping
Running terraform apply
subnet_mapping = tolist([
"allocation_id" = "x1"
"subnet_id" = "y1"
"allocation_id" = "x2"
"subnet_id" = "y2"
"allocation_id" = "x3"
"subnet_id" = "y3"
In any event, creating one variable (list of objects) instead of two lists makes sense because it reduces the possibility of errors.