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Laravel Production Error - Unable to Create Lockable Cache File

Hello Stack Overflow community,

I've encountered a perplexing issue with my Laravel API in a production environment, and I'm seeking guidance to resolve it. Some users are reporting the following error related to cache file permissions:

"Unable to create lockable file: /var/www/html/storage/framework/cache/data/19/e1/19e1c3ab2b97503139abbc7edb2dc5ceac440775. Please ensure you have permission to create files in this location."

Can anyone shed light on the root cause of this error and provide suggestions on how to rectify the cache file permission issue in a Laravel production environment?

Any insights, solutions, or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

I checked the permissions: As you can see all the folders are marked with "www-data" permission. The specific folder causing the error is with a "root" permission. I don't know why this is happening

folder permissions screenshot

I've attempted to address this by running php artisan config:cache, but unfortunately, the problem persists.


  • try the following

    php artisan optimize:clear

    give your storage 775 by the following command in ur server terminal

    sudo chmod -R 775 storage

    make sure to give the folder the right permssion of your web server

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage

    Don't forget to restart it

    sudo service apache2 restart