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formatting data into a csv table in python

I am trying to turn a list containing dictionaries into a csv table. I am using pandas however I cant find a way to get my desired result. the data is formatted in the following way:

[[{0:"title1"},{1:"title2"}],[{0:"data1"},{1:"data2"}],[{1:"more data2"}]]
  • the outer list is supposed to represent the entire table
  • each inner list is supposed to represent a column in the table
  • and each dictionary is supposed to represent a row in each column, with each key representing the row number
  • in addition not every column has the same number of rows, that's why the row numbers are important.

would appreciate it if someone could help! thank you

I tried using pandas data frame but it completely ignored the dictionary keys and turned the lists into rows rather than columns


  • I would use a comprehension to reshape your table/data into a list to dictionaries where each dictionary represented a row in the table. At that point, a csv.DictWriter() or a pandas.DataFrame().to_csv() will be able to process it into a CSV file.

    import json # only needed for display of reshaped table
    table = [
        [{0:"title1"}, {1:"title2"}],
        [{0:"data1"}, {1:"data2"}],
        [{1:"more data2"}]
    ## ------------------
    ## re-shape the table into a list of dictionaries (rows)
    ## ------------------
    table = [
        {key: value for col in row for key, value in col.items()}
        for row in table
    ## ------------------
    ## ------------------
    ## Take a peek at what table looks like now
    ## ------------------
    print(json.dumps(table, indent=4))
    ## ------------------

    That should show you:

            "0": "title1",
            "1": "title2"
            "0": "data1",
            "1": "data2"
            "1": "more data2"

    Now we can more easily write out our CSV.

    import csv
    with open("out.csv", "w", newline="") as file_out:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(file_out, fieldnames=[0,1], extrasaction="ignore")


    import pandas
    pandas.DataFrame(table).to_csv("out.csv", index=False)

    Either should produce a file like:

    ,more data2