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Why sqflite didn't work on my android device?

my app work without any error in the debug mode in the emulator but in my android physical device the sqflite didn't work how can i fix this it's there an option i can do before the release or what i searched alot without any sol this is the most code of the sqflite:

class TodoDb {
  RxList<Map>? data;
  static Database? _db;
  RxInt completed=0.obs;

  Future<Database?> get db async{
      _db=await instial();
      return _db;
    return _db;
  instial () async{
    String databasepath=await getDatabasesPath();
    String path= p.join(databasepath, "local.db");
    Database mydb = await openDatabase(path, onCreate: _onCreate, version: 1);
    return mydb;

  _onCreate (Database db, int version)async{
    await db.execute('''
      CREATE TABLE "todo" (
          "task" TEXT NOT NULL ,
          "icon" INTEGER NOT NULL ,
          "isDone" BOOLEAN NOT NULL
    print("ONCREATE ####################################");

    Database? mydb=await db;
    List<Map> res= await mydb!.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM 'todo'");
    await checkDay();
    return data!.length;

  insertData(String task, int icon)async{
    Database? mydb=await db;
    int response= await mydb!.rawInsert('INSERT INTO todo(task, icon, isDone) VALUES("$task", $icon, false)');
    return response;

when i connect my phone i get this error:

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: DatabaseException(no such column: false (Sqlite code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: INSERT INTO todo(task, ico
n, isDone) VALUES("guy", 57733, false), (OS error - 2:No such file or directory)) sql 'INSERT INTO todo(task, icon, isDone) VALUES("guy", 57733, false)' args []


  • bool is not a supported SQLite type. Use INTEGER and 0 and 1 values. and make sure to install the app after uninstalling older version to create the DB on first run.

    insertData(String task, int icon)async{
        Database? mydb=await db;
        int isDone = 0; //1 - true , 0 - false
        int response= await mydb!.rawInsert('INSERT INTO todo(task, icon, isDone) VALUES("$task", $icon, $isDone)');
        return response;