Background: I've been trying to Dockerize a monorepo using pnpm. During the process, I was working on trying some commands locally which weren't acting the way I expected in the Docker image. Because I didn't understand the pnpm deploy command well, I decided to try it locally.
When I ran pnpm deploy --filter=app --prod .
, I soon realized that every file in my project, including files outside of the folder I was in (one of the workspaces of the monorepo) had been deleted. Seems like they've been hard-deleted, nothing in my trash, not sure where to look for them. The only things I have to rebuild from are the remote files (last checked in 2-3 days ago, not terrible but not great) and the in-memory files still in VS Code.
Two questions, I guess: 1) if anyone has any ideas on how to get these files back and 2) how to confidently run pnpm deploy
locally in the near future, that would be appreciated. Fwiw, I tried running pnpm deploy in many other folders, and I continuously got errors like the following: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir '/prod'
so I tried to run in a folder that existed.
The .
is the target directory for deploy
– yeah, I suppose it would be prudent for pnpm to not allow trashing the source directory without some --force
Looking at the source for the deploy
command, the directory is rimraf'd (rm -rf
'd), and then recreated. That's rough. :( I created an issue in pnpm
for this:
pnpm deploy
for in the first case, which isn't very clear from the question.