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Wildcards support for AllowedCorsOrigins in IdentityServer4

I use IdentityServer4 to login to my app using authorization_code flow.

I need to add support of wildcards for AllowedCorsOrigins in IdentityServer4 client configuration. I created my implementation of ICorsPolicyService, registered it in Startup. I checked that this code runs and returns true.

But when I add wildcard to AllowedCorsOrigins setting, it doesn't allow me to log in. Instead of login form I see this error message: "unauthorized_client. Unknown client or client not enabled"

It looks like it checks for AllowedCorsOrigins somewhere else. How I can make it work?

Updated: I see this in logs:

AllowedCorsOrigins contains invalid origin: http://local*ost:4200","SourceContext":"Duende.IdentityServer.Stores.ValidatingClientStore


  • It looks like I need to write my own implementation of IClientConfigurationValidator and register it using AddClientConfigurationValidator.

    public class CustomClientConfigurationValidator : DefaultClientConfigurationValidator
        public CustomClientConfigurationValidator(IdentityServerOptions options) : base(options)
        protected override Task ValidateAllowedCorsOriginsAsync(ClientConfigurationValidationContext context)
            // Validation code here