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Calculate rolling weighted average in data.table using frollsum

The goal is to calculate the weighted average by group with a window of 3 rows and weights 3, 2, 1 in order of the most recent rows. This is similar to the question here, but the weights are not given by a column. Also, I really would like to use frollsum() because I'm working with a lot of data and need it to be performant.

I have a solution using frollapply():


# Your data
DT <- data.table(group = rep(c(1, 2), each = 10), value = round(runif(n = 20, 1, 5)))

weights <- 1:3
k <- 3

weighted_average <- function(x) {
  sum(x * weights[1:length(x)]) / sum(weights[1:length(x)])

# Apply rolling weighted average
DT[, wtavg := shift(frollapply(value, k, weighted_average, align = "right", fill = NA)), 
   by = group]

#>     group value    wtavg
#>  1:     1     2       NA
#>  2:     1     2       NA
#>  3:     1     3       NA
#>  4:     1     5 2.500000
#>  5:     1     2 3.833333
#>  6:     1     5 3.166667
#>  7:     1     5 4.000000
#>  8:     1     4 4.500000
#>  9:     1     4 4.500000
#> 10:     1     1 4.166667
#> 11:     2     2       NA
#> 12:     2     2       NA
#> 13:     2     4       NA
#> 14:     2     3 3.000000
#> 15:     2     4 3.166667
#> 16:     2     3 3.666667
#> 17:     2     4 3.333333
#> 18:     2     5 3.666667
#> 19:     2     3 4.333333
#> 20:     2     4 3.833333

Created on 2023-11-27 with reprex v2.0.2


  • Probably not the optimal way (I would look into Rcpp) but you could get a significant speed up using simply frollsum thrice:

    shift((frollsum(value, 3) + frollsum(value, 2) + frollsum(value, 1)) / 6)

    Note that frollsum(value, 1) could be replaced by value.

    Another (seemingly) faster and simpler alternative:

    (c(shift(value, 3) + 2 * shift(value, 2) + 3 * shift(value, 1)) / 6,


    n = 1000000
    groups = 1:1000
    DT <- data.table(group = rep(groups, each = n/length(groups)), value = round(runif(n = n, 1, 5)))
      A = {
        DT[, shift(frollapply(value, k, weighted_average, align = "right", fill = NA)), 
       by = group]
      B = {
        DT[, shift((frollsum(value, 3) + frollsum(value, 2) + value) / 6),
           by = group]
    #   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time
    # 1 A             1.75s    1.75s     0.570    46.7MB     34.2     1    60      1.75s
    # 2 B           80.38ms  85.72ms     9.24     77.4MB     12.9     5     7   541.13ms