I am wanting to match one data frame to another so that the second column goes into the columns listed in the third column. Column three has values up to 20. Thanks!
Example df1
|. |. |. |
|365 |58 |1 |
|12 |32 |1 |
|693 |79 |1 |
|365 |25 |2 |
|1 |37 |1 |
|693 |18 |2 |
Example df2
Desired output:
| |1 |2. |
|1 |37 | |
|12 |32 | |
|365 |58 |25 |
|693 |18 |18 |
I have tried with case when but no success with column names.
You need to reshape/cast/pivot your df1
to a wide format first, and then it's a normal merge/join operation. E.g., in base R:
merge(df2, reshape(df1, idvar="V1", timevar="V3", direction="wide"), by="V1")
# V1 V2.1 V2.2
#1 1 37 NA
#2 12 32 NA
#3 365 58 25
#4 693 79 18
Or the tidyverse:
df1 %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=V3, values_from=V2) %>%
right_join(df2, by="V1")
## A tibble: 4 × 3
# V1 `1` `2`
# <int> <int> <int>
#1 365 58 25
#2 12 32 NA
#3 693 79 18
#4 1 37 NA
Using sample data from your post read in with names:
df1 <- read.table(text="365 58 1
12 32 1
693 79 1
365 25 2
1 37 1
693 18 2", header=FALSE)
df2 <- read.table(text="1
693", header=FALSE)