I'm currently working on an Android app where I'm using RxJava in a ViewModel to handle data from both a local Room database and a remote API (Retrofit). I have implemented a pull-to-refresh feature, and in the onRefresh
method, I'm currently creating a new observable to fetch data from the remote API.
The problem is I want the combined observable to be triggered when user does pull-to-refresh, but it's not triggered.
What may be the issue?
class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val remoteDataSource: RemoteDataSource,
private val localDataSource: LocalDataSource,
) {
private val remoteDataObservable = BehaviorSubject.createDefault<List<Data>>(emptyList())
init {
disposables += Observable.combineLatest(
{ local, remote ->
.subscribe {
fun onPullToRefresh() {
private fun fetchLatestData() {
private fun displayList(list: List<Data>) {
// Display list
I've managed to fix my problem by changing a way to subscribe to the Observable
, which fetches data from the API. Now I created a new subscriber, end emit data to the BehaviorSubject
manually. I'm not satisfied with the solution, but nothing better came to my mind:
private fun fetchLatestData() {
disposables += remoteDataSource.fetchLatestData()
}, {})