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How to migrate `ResponseTemplateTransformer(false)` into WireMock version 3 - Java code

Being on WireMock version 2, I had the following snippet in some test code, which has been meant to instantiate the WireMockConfig object:

com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.core.WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig().dynamicPort().extensions(new ResponseTemplateTransformer(false))

The idea has been not to have any specific response transformations.

After upgrading WireMock dependency to version 3, I realised the constructor on class ResponseTemplateTransformer which has been accepting only a boolean, has been disappeared. Looks like there is no good migration guide available online or I did not find it. So I will post what I did to hopefully save some one's time.


  • So the answer to me was:

    In order to have no response transformations active, do not make yourself tired searching for a new constructor equivalent to ResponseTemplateTransformer(false).

    Just ignore calling the extensions builder-method on WireMockConfiguration for passing the ResponseTemplateTransformer. You do not need a Transformer here:


    I hope I'm not missing something here as I'm not that much into WireMock.