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Handling Different XML Element Names for Serialization and Deserialization in C#

I need advice on handling XML serialization and deserialization in C#. My issue is that I receive XML with elements starting with uppercase letters (e.g., <Id>) for deserialization, but I need to get lowercase letters (e.g., <id>) for serialization.

Is there a way to handle these naming differences, other than xslt or custom serializer?

Example class:

[XmlRoot(ElementName = "Invoice")]
public class Invoice
    [XmlElement(ElementName = "Id")]
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [XmlElement(ElementName = "User-id")]
    public int UserId { get; set; }
    // more properties



My case

I need to read xml from db with first letters big


In the tags and pass it in the body request but with lowercase letters in the tags



  • This may not be a good solution for everyone, in the RestSharp library I found attributes such as

    [DeserializeAs(Name = "...")]
    [SerializeAs(Name = "...")]

    In my case it look like this

        [SerializeAs(Name = "invoice")]
        [XmlRoot(ElementName = "Invoice")]
        public class invoice
            [SerializeAs(Name = "id")]
            [XmlElement(ElementName = "Id")]
            public int id { get; set; }
            [SerializeAs(Name = "user-id")]
            [XmlElement(ElementName = "User-id")]
            public int userId { get; set; }
            // more properties

    from this model i get xml like


    For this to work, there are requirements

     [XmlRoot(ElementName = "...")]
     [XmlElement(ElementName = "...")]