I am new for Azure and I am facing an issue while run my pipeline. Pipeline exit with code 3
This is configuration for node version.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
From your screenshot, it shows the error: The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of v18.13.
The cause of the issue is that the latest Angular CLI version 17.0.x requests the node version 18.13.
If you don't set the angular CLI version, it will use the latest version 17.0.3 by default.
To solve this issue, you can downgrade the angular CLI version in Azure Pipeline.
Since you are using the node.js version:14.20.0, you can change to use the Angular Cli version 14.2.13
For example: npm install -g @angular/cli@14.2.13
- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: '14.20.0'
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: |
npm install -g @angular/cli@14.2.13
npm install
ng build --prod
displayName: 'npm install and build'