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I need some help in implementing SQL PIVOT in my data.

here is query :

select a.id_mcm AS ID,b.nama_mcm AS Name,c.nama_ctr AS Place,a.tgl_mutasi AS Move_On
from mcmmutasi as a
left join mcmmcm as b on b.id_mcm=a.id_mcm
left join mcmcenter as c on c.kode_ctr=a.kode_ctr
where a.id_mcm='ATP211004131604'
order by a.tgl_mutasi asc ,b.nama_mcm asc

and here is the output of it :

ID Name Place Move_On
ATP211004131604 Sumartini 2021-10-04 00:00:00.000 Antapani
ATP211004131604 Sumartini 2021-12-03 14:33:19.450 Cikutra
ATP211004131605 Person 2021-10-06 00:00:00.000 Place A
ATP211004131605 Person 2021-10-10 00:00:00.000 Place B
ATP211004131605 Person 2021-12-08 14:33:19.450 Place C
ATP211004131605 Person 2021-12-23 14:33:19.450 Place D

and what im trying to do is to make the 2 Rows become 1. so this is the desire table that i want to achieve it:

ID Name Place 1 Place 2 Place 3 Place 4 Move_On(Last One)
ATP211004131604 Sumartini Antapani Cikutra - - 2021-10-04 00:00:00.000
ATP211004131605 Person Place A Place B Place C Place D 2021-12-23 14:33:19.450

so its easy to read for user to know the history of Person History/Log.

and i tried to use PIVOT SQLServer while reading and learn about it

but im facing some Errors and completely dont know how to use it.

so can anyone help me and telling me how to achieve that.

here is my Code of PIVOT Query :

WITH pivot_data AS
select a.id_mcm as id ,b.nama_mcm as name , c.nama_ctr as Place,a.tgl_mutasi as Move_On
from mcmmutasi as a
left join mcmmcm as b on b.id_mcm=a.id_mcm
left join mcmcenter as c on c.kode_ctr=a.kode_ctr
where a.id_mcm='ATP211004131604'
SELECT  name,place,move_on
FROM pivot_data
PIVOT (max(id) FOR id IN (name,place,move_on)) AS p;

Update :

"Table where i store history of user move"
CREATE TABLE mcmmutasi 
 id_mcm VARCHAR(64)
 , tgl_mutasi DATETIME
 , kode_ctr INT

"Table Master (user)
  id_mcm VARCHAR(64),
  nama_mcm VARCHAR(64)

"Table Master place
CREATE TABLE mcmcenter
  kode_ctr INT,
  nama_ctr VARCHAR(64)

 INSERT INTO mcmmutasi
 ('ATP211004131604', '2021-10-04 00:00:00.000', 13)
 , ('ATP211004131604', '2021-12-03 14:33:19.450', 23)
 , ('ATP211004131605', '2021-10-06 00:00:00.000', 33)
 , ('ATP211004131605', '2021-12-08 14:33:19.450', 43)
 , ('ATP211004131605', '2021-10-10 00:00:00.000', 53)
 , ('ATP211004131605', '2021-12-23 14:33:19.450', 63);

 ('ATP211004131604', 'Sumartini')
 , ('ATP211004131605', 'Person');

 INSERT INTO mcmcenter
 (  13, 'Antapani')
 , (23, 'Cikutra')
 , (33, 'Place A')
 , (43, 'Place C')
 , (53, 'Place B')
 , (63, 'Place D');

as u can see, there is a user moved more than 2 places.

I want my final results to look like this ( if it possible):
| id | name    |  Palce 1 | place 2 | Place 3 | place 4 |  Move_On (Only Last One) |
| 1  | Person  | Place A  | Place B | Place C | Place D |  20-11-2023              |
| 5  |Sumartini| Antapani | Cikutra |  -      |   -     | 214-555-1234             |


  • Pivot isn't well suited to this as it appears that you need both MIN() and MAX(), so instead use group by e.g:

          a.id_mcm AS ID
        , b.nama_mcm AS Name
        , min(c.nama_ctr) as old_place
        , (case when max(c.nama_ctr) = min(c.nama_ctr) then NULL else max(c.nama_ctr) end) as new_place
        , max(a.tgl_mutasi) AS Move_On
    FROM mcmmutasi AS a
    LEFT JOIN mcmmcm AS b ON b.id_mcm = a.id_mcm
    LEFT JOIN mcmcenter AS c ON c.kode_ctr = a.kode_ctr
    WHERE a.id_mcm = 'ATP211004131604'
    GROUP BY a.id_mcm ASC
        , b.nama_mcm ASC
    ORDER BY a.id_mcm ASC
        , b.nama_mcm ASC

    However if there are more than 2 rows for any selection, then this group by result may not be what you were hoping for. It may be necessary to provide more complex sample data (and the expected result from that more complex data).