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Tips on managing a large number of database tables for a given database model

I am working on a MySQL database with over 60 tables. I use MySQL workbench for database modelling. I have broken down the model into several diagrams.

However I find it very difficult to manage this large number of tables.

Can anyone provide advice as to how to manage a large number of tables when working on a database model?

For instance, what is the maximum number of tables an individual diagram should contain?

Are there guidelines on how to break down the model into different diagrams? I guess each diagram should correspond to a module in the application..

Apart from breaking down the model into several diagrams, are there other ways of managing the complexity of a model?


  • Other than partitioning the database into groups of related tables, there is not too much you can do.

    That being said, there are some things you can do to help manage things a bit more easily, such as color-coding your tables by "type", such as

    1. Associative tables (Ones that are really just a Many-Many relationship)
    2. Lookup tables (Ones that just hold value information and are not the core of the DB)