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Generate different PDFs with mailmerge depending on cell value - Google Sheets

I'm running an Apps Script in Google Sheets to Mail merge and generate a PDF file which is then store in Drive.

I have the following variable which stores the Google Doc that serves as template for the new PDF being generated.

var GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID = '1olnBowCh-1apK3jWN-Lr2Ty3UT1NK_dmoJOVBjnzgO8'

I would like to have a function that modifies the value of this variable so that it can point to a different file.

What I have been trying to do is the following script but haven't accomplished at all:

  • If "selected row's column N cell is empty, use this file, if cell is not empty, change to a different file ID.

Note: My mail merge script runs by selecting row and gets all the place holders from the selected row, so when one of those fields is empty, I'm trying to point to a different template that suits better.

This is the script being used, it is public in GitHub and has instructions for each part of the process



  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You are using a script of
    • In your script, first, it selects a cell. And, run the script. By this, the row of the selected cell is used as the value.
    • Under this condition, when the value of column "N" is empty, you want to use the file ID of 1olnBowCh-1apK3jWN-Lr2Ty3UT1NK_dmoJOVBjnzgO8 as GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID. When the value of column "N" is not empty, you want to use the other file ID as GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID.

    In this case, how about the following modification? Please modify getSheetData() as follows.


    function getSheetData() {
      copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID).makeCopy()
      var copyId = copyFile.getId()
      copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId)
      copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection()
      var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
      var numberOfColumns = activeSheet.getLastColumn()
      activeRowIndex = activeSheet.getActiveRange().getRowIndex()
      var activeRowRange = activeSheet.getRange(activeRowIndex, 1, 1, numberOfColumns)
      activeRowValues = activeRowRange.getDisplayValues()
      headerRow = activeSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, numberOfColumns).getValues()


    Please replace ### other ID ### with your file ID.

    function getSheetData() {
      var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
      var numberOfColumns = activeSheet.getLastColumn()
      activeRowIndex = activeSheet.getActiveRange().getRowIndex()
      var activeRowRange = activeSheet.getRange(activeRowIndex, 1, 1, numberOfColumns)
      activeRowValues = activeRowRange.getDisplayValues()
      headerRow = activeSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, numberOfColumns).getValues()
      var templateIds = ['1olnBowCh-1apK3jWN-Lr2Ty3UT1NK_dmoJOVBjnzgO8', '### other ID ###'];
      GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID = templateIds[activeRowValues[0][13] ? 1 : 0];
      copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID).makeCopy()
      var copyId = copyFile.getId()
      copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId)
      copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection()
    • By this modification, when the value of column "N" of the row of the selected cell is empty, 1olnBowCh-1apK3jWN-Lr2Ty3UT1NK_dmoJOVBjnzgO8 is used as GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID. When the value of column "N" is not empty, the other file ID ### other ID ### is used as GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID.