Search code examples

Places API Nearby Search behavior, queries sometimes return different data

When I hit the same parameters several times, the results sometimes differ even if they are made at the same time.


returned data:
First try

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One of the next attempts

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    "status": "OK"

All this data is from one Minutes.

the company "PELL-DREW Adam Łebek produkcja pelletu" is displayed in 1st place or is not included in the results at all

Api Docs:

I'm trying to make a report from this data
and repeating it several times makes it not so reliable.

should I write a ticket with this error or is this normal behavior?


  • Since you are using rankby prominence, the documentation specifically says that,

    Prominence can be affected by a place's ranking in Google's index, global popularity, and other factors.

    Since there are a lot of factors affecting the results, it's kinda expected if the ranking/results itself are different sometimes. But you can still file a bug if you want to make sure if this is Working as Intended:

    But as far as I know, Places Web Service Frequently Asked Questions also addressed the question "Why are some nearby places not returned?" as to which the documentation answers:

    By default, the Places API sorts results by prominence within the supplied radius. A Nearby Search request can return up to 60 results, split across three pages. If a place ranks 22nd in prominence, it will appear on the second page of results which you can access through paging. If a place ranks greater than 60th in prominence it will not be included in the search result, even if it is closer to the center of your search.

    You can sort your results by distance instead of prominence by setting the rankby parameter in your query to distance and omitting the radius parameter. Relevance will be ignored and places will be returned in order of distance from location.

    I did some tests on both the parameter rankby=prominence and rankby=distance (Removing the radius parameter) without the keyword and found that the "Pelet D.G. - Producent Pelletu" is not in the first 20 results.

    Sample Requests:

    • With rankby=prominence:,18.12902221700711&radius=5000&rankby=prominence&key=API_KEY

    • With rankby=distance:,18.12902221700711&rankby=distance&key=API_KEY

    One thing I can conclude here is that the the company "Pelet D.G. - Producent Pelletu" is not "prominent" in the Google ranking index (at times).

    What you can do to fix the inconsistent results is just to use rankby=distance and remove the radius parameter.

    • Example:,18.12902221700711&keyword=sprzeda%C5%BC%20pelletu&rankby=distance&key=API_KEY

    With this, it seems to be returning a more consistent results:

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                "compound_code":"489W+WX Uszyce, Poland",
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             "name":"Hurtowa i detaliczna sprzedaż pelletu",
                "compound_code":"2383+X5 Wołczyn, Poland",
             "vicinity":"Kluczborska 33, Wołczyn"
             "name":"Pelet D.G. - Producent Pelletu",
                      "<a href=""https"://">A Google User</a>"
                "compound_code":"FX3P+FC Zajączki, Poland",
             "vicinity":"Zajączki 65A"