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import/order unable to recognise unnamed imports?

The specific rule import/order from eslint-plugin-import does not seem to recognise the unnamed imports such as import moment/locale/fr: to clarify, I need to import moment like this (as the documentation seems to indicate), so I am trying to have it ordered among the other imports using the import/order rule:

'import/order': [
    alphabetize: {
      caseInsensitive: false,
      order: 'asc',
    groups: ['builtin', 'unknown', 'external', 'internal', 'parent', 'sibling', 'index', 'type'],
    'newlines-between': 'always',
    pathGroups: [
        group: 'builtin',
        pattern: 'react',
        position: 'before',
        group: 'unknown',
        pattern: 'moment/locale/fr',
        position: 'before',
    pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes: ['react'],

Having that, I would expect the moment/locale/fr import to be placed right after the builtin imports. However, I don't get any error wherever I put this import. Worse, when I "mistakenly" put this package in a middle of a group and skip lines, I get warnings about the lines skipped, but no autofix, so it really seems import/order does not recognise unnamed imports.

Does anyone know how I could have it to work?

For the record, I am using eslint-plugin-import v2.29.0.


  • Unassigned imports are ignored, as the order they are imported in may be important. Source: