I have been using these hotkeys for a while now
² & WheelDown::AltTab ;; <-- AltTab with mouse
² & WheelUp::ShiftAltTab ;; <-- AltTab with mouse
Since last monday it is not working anymore and I have this message raising up
I have no idea how to fix it. Any idea ?
I think it is because you are saving the ahk script as Unicode. AHK only parses ASCII.
Open your script in Microsoft Notepad, and "save-as" under Encoding: select "ANSI"
I tested your code, and I get a different error about not having the ² key in my keyboard layout when saving as ANSI. I get the same error when I save it as UTF-8
Upon testing a custom keyboard layout, I am able to use the script with no error after saving the ahk file as type ANSI, having remapped my 2 key to ²