I have one query on mongodb like that:
db = db.getSiblingDB("his");
"$lookup" : {
"from" : "LinkedEntities",
"let" : {
"account_id" : "$AccountId",
"institutionGroup_id" : "$InstitutionGroupId"
"pipeline" : [
"$match" : {
"$expr" : {
"$and" : [
"$eq" : [
"$eq" : [
"$project" : {
"AccountId" : NumberInt(0),
"_id" : NumberInt(0)
"as" : "AccountwithLinkedEntities"
I need to migrate it to mongdb driver with the fluentHelper I try like this but is not matching my mongodb query:
var filter = Builders<Account>.Filter.Eq(a => a.InstitutionGroupId, institutionGroupId)
& Builders<Account>.Filter.Eq(a => a.AccountId, accountId);
var accountwithLinkedEntities = await _mongoDbContext.Accounts.Aggregate().Match(filter)
.Lookup<Account, LinkedEntities, AccountwithLinkedEntities>(_mongoDbContext.LinkedEntities,
x => x.AccountId,
y => y.AccountId,
x => x.InnerLinkedEntities)
return accountwithLinkedEntities;
how can i transform the first query to c# with the fluent syntax.
Best regards
Writing it as answer since it's quite big:
Your example is wrong. You put the $match
aggregate stage outside lookup and in general use a different form of Lookup. See below points:
You can always provide a raw MQL query (string based) into typed helpers since all driver's helpers (including $lookup) allow implicit creating from string. One example can be found here. Another example can be found here (see Unsupported LINQ or Builder expressions
). See also my answer here where I provide a lookup in a raw form.
However, your case seems supporting a more c# like approach. You should use this overload that allows passing an aggregate pipeline. To create aggregate pipeline you can use this code snippet:
var pipeline = new Driver.EmptyPipelineDefinition<..YOUR_TYPE..>()
.Match(..match condition in typed or string based (raw) forms..)
.Project(..projection condition in typed or string based (raw) forms..);
Pay attention that let
argument can be provided only as BsonDocument which means that you can't use any typed form for it. So it will be:
foreignCollection: ...,
let: BsonDocument.Parse(@$"
""account_id"" : ""$AccountId"",
""institutionGroup_id"" : ""$InstitutionGroupId""
lookupPipeline: pipeline,
You can find example of this approach in the link in my answer here.