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Calculate Invoice - PowerBI

I have a dataset like this:

Date Contract value Monthly total Invoice Date Amount to be paid
01/01/2023 Contract 1 180 380 01/01/2023
01/01/2023 Contract 1 200 380 01/01/2023
01/02/2023 Contract 1 800 1000
01/02/2023 Contract 1 200 1000
01/03/2023 Contract 1 150 550 01/03/2023 1380
01/03/2023 Contract 1 400 550 01/03/2023 1380
01/04/2023 Contract 1 350 950
01/04/2023 Contract 1 600 950
01/05/2023 Contract 1 220 330 01/05/2023 1500
01/05/2023 Contract 1 110 330 01/05/2023 1500
01/01/2023 Contract 2 50 150 01/01/2023
01/01/2023 Contract 2 100 150 01/01/2023
01/02/2023 Contract 2 200 350 01/02/2023 150
01/02/2023 Contract 2 150 350 01/02/2023 150
01/03/2023 Contract 2 100 300 01/03/2023 350
01/03/2023 Contract 2 200 300 01/03/2023 350

The value column the monthly value, while the "Monthly total" column tells me the monthly total (given by the sum of the values over the same month). For example, Contract 1, date 01/01/2023, 380 "monthly total"(180+380). The "Invoice Date" column tells me the date on which the billing is to take place.

I should find a way to calculate the amount to be paid for each billing date (Column "Amount to be paid"). For example: Contract 1; Invoice Date 01/03/2023; Amount to be paid: 1380 (1000 of 01/02/2023 + 380 of 01/01/2023).

So, with respect to the invoice date, i have to consider the months before until the previous billing.

I tried something like this thanks to another post, but it doesn't work:

Amount to be paid = 
  var thisBillDate = table[Invoice Date]
  var prevBillDate = CALCULATE(
    MAX(table[invoice Date]),
    ALLEXCEPT(table, table[Contract]),
   table[Invoice Date] < thisBillDate
  var result = CALCULATE(
    SUM(table[Monthly total]),
    ALLEXCEPT(tale, table[Contract], table[Date]),
    prevBillDate < table[Invoice Date] &&  table[Invoice Date] <= thisBillDate)

  return IF(NOT ISBLANK(table[Invoice Date]), COALESCE(result, 0))

Can someone help me? Thanks


  • Assuming you have two tables:
    Table: Bill

    Date Contract value

    Table: Invoice

    Contract Invoice Date

    Add a Calculated Column to table Invoice with:

    Amount to be paid = 
      var thisContract = [Contract]
      var thisInvoiceDate = [Invoice Date]
      var prevInvoiceDate = CALCULATE(
        MAX(Invoice[Invoice Date]),
        ALLEXCEPT(Invoice, Invoice[Contract]),
        Invoice[Invoice Date] < thisInvoiceDate
      var result = CALCULATE(
        Bill[Contract] = thisContract && 
        Bill[Date] >= prevInvoiceDate &&
        Bill[Date] < thisInvoiceDate
      return result

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